Increasing Maximum Capacity Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Measures of Capacity - Increasing Maximum Capacity

Increasing Maximum Capacity:

For performing mostly operations multiple processes are involved and also their effective capacities are not identical. The system's output is depreciated by the bottleneck operation. Bottleneck operation is the operation having lowest effective capacity in procedure. Figure (a) illustrates the procedure where the operation 2 is bottleneck that limits output of the system that limits output to be 100 units per hour.

1305_Increasing Maximum Capacity.png

All Operations are Well Balanced or Every Operation is a Bottleneck


Subjecting to this effect, the fastest process can produce only as fast as the slowest operation. Figure (b) illustrated the process when all the operation is well balanced or every operation is a bottleneck. Although capacity of process may be enhanced by just increasing capacity of bottleneck operation. Increasing capacity for operation 2 only without disturbing the 1st and 3rd operation increases the total system output capacity (as illustrated in Figure (b)). When capacity of 2nd operation reaches 300 /hr, then for enhancing total capacity all the three operations should be expanded.

A project or a job does not follow the simple line flows as shown above. Its operation may process many different items, and demands on any one operation could vary considerably from one day to the next. Bottlenecks may be recognized till by computing the average utilization of each operation. Floating bottlenecks are created by the variability in the workload. In one month the mix of work can make operation 1 as bottleneck, and the next week it can make operation 3 the constraint. This kind of variability improved the complication of day-to-day scheduling. Thus management prefers lower utilization rates, which permits greater slack to absorb unexpected surges in demand.

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