Multiplication of a Matrix by a Matrix Assignment Help

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Multiplication of a Matrix by a Matrix:

For multiply two matrices, the first matrix must have the similar number of rows (m) as the second matrix has columns (n).  Instead, m of the first matrix must equal n of the second matrix. For instance, a 2 x 1 matrix can be multiplied by a 1 x 2 matrix,

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or a 2 x 2 matrix could be multiplied through a 2 x 2.  If an m x n matrix is multiplied by an n x p matrix, after that the output matrix is an m x p matrix.  For instance, if a 2 x 1 and a 1 x 2 are multiplied, the output will be a 2 x 2.  If a 2 x 2 and a 2 x 2 are multiplied, the output will be a 2 x 2.

For multiply two matrices, the subsequent pattern is used:

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In general terms, a matrix C which is a product of two matrices, A and B, will have elements given by the following.

cij  = ai1b1j  + aj2b2j  + + + . . . + ainbnj


i = ith row

j = jth column

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