Wavy curve method Assignment Help

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Wavy curve method:

In order to compute the inequalities of the form


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where n1, n2, ....... , n k , m1, m2, ....... , mp are natural and real numbers and a1, a2, ... , ak, b1, b2, ..., bp are any real number such that ai ≠ bj where i = 1, 2, 3, ....k and j = 1, 2, 3, ....p.


Step - 1-> First place all values of x at which either denominator or numerator is becomes zero, that denotes a1, a2,....., ak, b1, b2, ....bp in ascending order say c1, c2, c3,....... cp + k. draw them on real line


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Step -2 -> Value of x number at which numerator tends to zero could be remarked with dark circles.

Step - 3 -> All pints of discontinuities (x at which denominator tends to zero) could be remarked on number line with empty circles. Calculate the value of ¦(x) for any real number bigger than the right most checked number on the number line.

Step - 4 -> From right to left presented a wavy curve (beginnings above the number line in type of value of ¦(x) is positive in step-3 otherwise from below the number line), going thoroughly all the checked points. So that when goes through a point (exponent whose related factor is odd) intersects the number line, and when going thoroughly a point (exponent whose related factor is even) the curve doesn't cut the real line and stay on the similar side of real line.

Step - 5 -> The suitable intervals are selected in accordance with the sign of inequality (the function ¦(x) is positive wherever the curve is over the number line, it is negative if the curve is searched below the number line). Their union shows the solution of inequality

Problem:       2145_Wavy curve method2.png


Step - 1 -> Create on real line all x at which numerator tends to zero with dark circles.


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Step - 2-> present point of discontinuity (value of x at which denominator becomes zero) with empty circles


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Step - 3 -> Calculate ¦(x) for x > 7, ¦(8) > 0

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Exponents of given factors of -1, 3, 4 is even, therefore wave can not modify the direction at those points.

Therefore 1586_Wavy curve method6.png

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