Logarithmic function Assignment Help

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Logarithmic function:

The logarithm of a provided number b to the base 'a' is the exponent showing the power to which the base 'a' have to be raised to get the number b. This number is defined as log a b. Therefore log a b = x <=> ax = b, a > 0, a≥1 and b>0. From the basic definition of the logarithm of the number b to the base 'a', we have an identity 2252_log.png

That is called as Fundamental Logarithmic Identity.


Properties of logarithmic function

The function logab is significant for b >0 and for either 0 < a < 1 or a > 1.

Let a > 1, then 1659_log2.png and


      If 0 < a < 1, then 144_log6.png

log a(mn) = log a m + log a n

1736_log4.png , c > 0 and c ¹ 1.

log a logcb/ logca = log a m - log a n

log a mn = n log a m

1279_log5.png provided both a and b are non-unity.

loga1 = 0

logaa = 1



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