Introductory Mathematics:
IDENTIFY the following basic mathematical symbols and definitions.
a. = equals k. ÷, / divided by
b. ¹ is not equal to l. > greater than or equal to
c. º is defined as m. < less than or equal to
d. ± plus or minus n. ><, is not equal to (computer)
e. n√a nth root of a <>
f. ¦a¦ absolute value of a o. ¥ infinity
g. Σ xi sum of N values p. µ is proportional to
i= 1
h. Ð angle q. » approximately equal to
i. % percent r. ^ perpendicular to
j. x, , * multiplied by s. parallel to
In sequence to understand and communicate in mathematical terms and to lay the foundation for the concepts and principles presented in that material, certain terms and expressions have to be defined. This section covers basic definitions used in mathematics. Once understood, such knowledge should provide the foundation from which the principles of mathematics can be presented. By no means are the terms here all inclusive; they are representative of those found within the nuclear field.
An expression denoting values that are identical in mathematical value or logical denotation. It is given the symbol =.
Is Not Equal to
An expression denoting values that are not identical in mathematical value or logical denotation. It is given the symbol ¹ or ><, >< (computer).
Is defined as
A mathematical expression for defining a symbol or variable in mathematics. It is commonly
given the symbol º .
Plus or Minus
While plus (+) and minus (-) are used individually to indicate addition and subtraction, this form is used to denote a control band, or tolerance band, or error band, like as 100 + 5 psig. It is given the symbol +.
nth root
A mathematical expression for defining a symbol or variable in mathematics. It is usually given the symbol º .
Plus or Minus
While plus (+) and minus (-) are used individually to indicate addition and subtraction, this form is used to denote a control band, or tolerance band, or error band, such as 100 + 5 psig. It is given the symbol +.
nth root
For any integer (n greater than one), the nth root (n√a) of a is defined as follows: n√a =b if, and only if bn =a. the number n, in n√a is called the index of the root. The nth root of a number (a) is a number (b) which has the property that the product r of n values of b is a. For example, the third (or cube) root of 8 is 2. Because 2×2×2 equal 8.