Differential Calculus Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Math - Differential Calculus

Differential Calculus


Calculus was belonged to meet the pressing mathematical requirements of the 17th century science and is yet the basic mathematics for solving problem in Science & Technology. In first unit, we shall introduce the concept of functions & described different kinds of functions, algebra of functions & their limit & continuity. Also, we shall introduce the concept of derivative like the instantaneous rate of change. We will talk about methods of differentiation.

Absolute Value Function Composition of Functions
Constant Function Determine the Functions
Estimate the Limit Even and Odd Functions
Example of Function Example of Functions 'Gof' and 'Fog'
Example of Limit Function
Graph of Function Graph of Inverse Functions
Greatest Integer Function How to Solve Limit
Identity Function Intervals on Real Line
Limits Modulus Function of Given Functions
Natural Logarithm Function One-one Function
Onto Function Operations on Functions
Other Function Real Number System
Sum, Difference, Product and Quotient of Two Functions
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