Arcs and Chords Assignment Help

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Arcs and Chords

The Chord is a line segment which joins ANY 2 points on the circle

Or we can say that, a chord is any line segment starting from one side of a circle, like point A in the picture on left, and ending on the other side of circle, like point B. The points A and B are the endpoints of chord AB. A chord of the circle is a line segment whose 2 endpoints lie on the circle. The diameter, which passes through the circle's centre, it is the longest chord on the circle. A tangent is a straight line which touches the circle at the single point. The secant is an extended chord: straight line cutting the circle at the 2 points.

1.     The chords are equidistant from the center if their lengths are equal.

2.     A chord's perpendicular bisector passes through the centre of the circle.

3.     If the line extensions of chords AB and CD intersect at the point P, then their lengths satisfy AP·PB = CP·PD

The area which a circular chord "cuts off" is known as circular segment. A chord of a circle is a line segment which connects one point on the edge of circle with other point on the circle.

An arc of the circle is any connected part of the circumference of circle. A sector is a region bounded by 2 radii and an arc lying in between the radii, and segment is the region bounded by a chord and an arc lying in between the endpoints of chord.

Minor Arc - If measure of the central angle APB is less than 180º, then B and A and points of the circle P in the interior of angle APB form the minor arc of the circle.
 Major Arc - The points A and B and points of circle P in exterior of angle APB for the major arc. OR if the measure of the central angle APB is greater than 180º and less than 360º, then A and B and the points of circle P in interior of ∠APB form the major arc of circle.

The arc is a closed segment of the differentiable curve in 2-dimensional plane; for instance, a circular arc is the segment of circumference of a circle. If the arc segment occupies a great circle, this is considered a great-arc segment. An arc is a portion of circumference of the circle. If measure of the central angle APB is less than 180º, then A and B and points of circle P in the interior of the angle APB form the minor arc of the circle. And less than 360º, then A and B and points of the circle P in interior of the ∠APB form a major arc of the circle. - Arcs and Chords Assignment Help, Arcs and Chords Homework Help, Arcs and Chords Assignment Tutors, Arcs and Chords Solutions, Arcs and Chords Answers, Math Assignment Tutors

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