In designing the material handling systems, equipment type should be specified for each material movement. The fundamental equipment utilized in industries for the handling of materials are given as follows :
Automatic Transport Devices
Machines that automatically grasp materials hold them tightly while operation are being performed and move them to other locations.
These are utilized for moving materials of relatively uniform size and weight with moderate to high frequency among a specified set of locations over a fixed path. The conveyors are basically characterized into
a. belt
b. chain
c. pneumatic
d. roller
e. tube.
Cranes, Hoists and Elevators
It includes all of the equipment for moving material having a reversing vertical or lateral movement.
Positioning, Weighting and Hoist Equipments
This includes equipment utilized for local positioning and transportation.
Industrials Vehicles
Includes all types of industrial trucks, railcars, tractors and grading equipment.
Containers and Supports
Include all kinds of tight, pressure, loose and open-top containers; also platforms coil supports.
Of all above classification of MH equipments, one school of thought categorises them to methods of moving materials by following:
a. Lifting.
b. Dragging, pulling and pushing.
c. Carrying and lifting.
d. Conveying and continuous flow.