Marketing is part of all of our lives and touches us in some way daily. To be successful each company that deals with customers on daily basis have not to only be customer-driven, but customer-obsessed. The best way to attain this objective is to develop a sound marketing function within organization. To be understandable and lively means that we need to communicate you. We begin every chapter with learning objectives. Most important thing you will get out of this course is basic skills needed to succeed in today's competitive environment. Marketing is defined as a social and managerial process by which, individuals and groups obtain what they require and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. Marketing is key factor to business success. Marketing function not only deals with production and distribution of products and services, but it is also concerned with social and ethical responsibility functions found in domestic and global environment.

Introduction of Marketing
What image comes to mind when you hear word "marketing"? Some people think of brochures or advertisements, whereas others think of public relations (for example, arranging for clients to appear on TV talk shows). Truth is, all of these-and many more things-make up field of marketing. The Knowledge Exchange Business Encyclopaedia defines marketing as "planning and executing strategy involved in moving a good or service from producer to consumer."
With this definition in mind, it is clear that marketing and many other business activities are related in some ways. In simple terms, marketers and others help move services and goods through creation and production procedure; at that point, marketers help move goods and services to consumers. But connection goes even further: Marketing may have a significant impact on all areas of business and vice versa.