Customer satisfaction is an overarching apprehension for marketing professional. Simply put, customer satisfaction is how happy a client is with a product or repair, both in the product's performance as well as the company's delivery of the product to the market. One commonly used calculate of customer satisfaction is the gap replica. The gap model is distinct by the following equation:
Customer satisfaction = delivery - expectations
Delivery refers to the customer's insight of the genuine delivery of the manufactured goods or service. Expectations refer to the customer's prospect about that product or repair. Thus customer satisfaction is the dissimilarity, or "gap," between what the consumer expected and what he or she established. For example, if a customer purchases a product that he expect to last three months and it last six (the delivery of the product was six months of use), he will be very satisfied with the product. On the other hand, if the product only lasts one month (the delivery then is one month of use), the customer is likely to be highly dissatisfied. Thus, potential serve as the base point for the customer's judgment of delivery and approval.
Therefore, further than the prepared functions implicated in bringing a product or overhaul to the market, marketing executive work to administer the customer's perception of delivery, or the superiority of the product or overhaul the customer has established. And, they both track and attempt to manipulate the client's perception. In the same way, marketing can help customers to set more realistic prospect. Fully integrating the gap representation reduces the appetite of marketing professional to overpromise or to create unrealistic prospect. Addition- ally, the gap model, depicted in Figure, identify the major mechanism operating within the customer/supplier relationship and serve as a good tool for the provider's publicity agent to identify present weaknesses in the company's programs or strategy.
The opening model says that a purchaser has two sources from which he or she builds potential about a product or service.
1. Inside, a customer's prospect is based on individual needs; past experience with the product, service, or company; and word-of-mouth communications from other clientele.
2. Outwardly, the customer also receives information from the company about its foodstuffs or services.
The gap model identifies five possible gaps between escape and customer prospect.
Gap 1. The dissimilarity between management's perception of client expectations and the actual customer prospect.

Gap 2. The dissimilarity between management's awareness of customer prospect and the eminence specifications the organization communicates to the client.
Gap 3. The difference between the excellence stipulation and actual service delivery.
Gap 4. The difference between the genuine service delivery and what was promise to the customer through outside interactions, such as advertising.
Gap 5. The difference between the predictable service and the perceived service from the point of view of the purchaser.
Marketers use the replica to monitor the manufacture procedure at all its dangerous points, enabling managers to get better service empirically. Moreover, the model accommodates customer perception, enable a manager to recognize customer perception and correct unfavorable ones happening at any point in the process. Marketer's use many tools range from conduct focus groups and survey to purchasing information from research firm to help recognize gaps. Once a precise gap type is acknowledged, management can close that gap and improve client fulfillment.