Defining Research Objectives Assignment Help

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Defining the Problem and Research Objectives

Marketing manager and researcher have to work closely together to define problem carefully and agree on research objectives. Marketing managers have to know enough regarding marketing research to help in planning and to interpret the research results. Defining problem and research objectives is frequently the hardest step in the procedure. After the problem has been defined carefully, the manager and researcher have to set the research objectives.  The three general types of objectives are following:

1). Exploratory research where objective is to gather preliminary information that will support to better define problems and recommend hypotheses for their solution.

2). Descriptive research is where intent is to explain things like the demographics or market potential for a product and attitudes of customers who buy the product.

3). Casual research is a research to test hypotheses regarding cause-and-effect relationships. The statement of problem and research objectives will guide whole research process.  It is always best to put problem and research objectives statements in the writing so agreement can be reached and everybody knows the direction of the research effort.

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