Promotion encompasses the many ways marketers to get the word out regarding a product-most notably through sales promotions, advertising, and public relations.
Sales promotions are special offers designed to attract people to purchase product. These can include coupons, two-for-one deals, rebate offers, free samples, and contests.
Advertising encompasses paid messages that are deliberate to get people to notice a product. It can include magazine ads, TV, billboards and Web site ads, radio commercials and so forth. Possibly the most significant factor in advertising success is repetition. We're all bombarded with vast number of media messages daily, so the first few times a prospective customer sees an ad, usually it barely makes a dent. By seeing the ad over and over is what burns the message into people's minds. That's why it's good to run ads as repeatedly as possible. The public relations refer to any non-paid communication designed to plant a positive image of a company or product in minds of consumers. One way to accomplish this is by getting the product or company name in news. This is known as media relations, and it's a significant aspect of public relations.
As with price, changes in demand created by the promotions may have a direct impact on work of various other professionals.