Positioning - Marketing Mix Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Marketing Process - Positioning - Marketing Mix


By employing the market research techniques and competitive analysis, marketer identifies how the product should be positioned in consumer's mind. Like a luxury, high-end item? A bargain item which visibly provides value? A fun product? Is there any strong brand name that supports how image is fixed in the mind of consumer? Once the marketer answers these kinds of questions, he or she develops, through host of vehicles, right image to establish the wanted position.

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This, too, can affect the work you do. If an upscale image is required, the materials used in product and packaging are likely to be different from those used in the bargain product-a fact that could make workflow significantly more complicated. In contrast, with your engineering knowledge, you can be able to suggest alternative materials that would preserve the desired image but be simpler or less expensive to use.

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