Basics of Marketing Assignment Help

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Basics of Marketing

With this definition in mind, it's obvious that marketing and many other business activities are related in some ways. In simple terms, marketers and others help move goods and services through the creation and production process; at that point, marketers help in move the goods and services to consumers. But the connection goes even further: Marketing can have a considerable impact on all areas of the business and vice versa. Let's have discussion on some basics of marketing:

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  1.   Product-: what is your selling? (It can be a product or a service.)
  2.   Price-: what is your pricing policy?
  3.   Place or distribution-: how are you distributing your product to obtain it into the marketplace?
  4.   Promotion-: how are you telling consumers in your target group regarding your product?
  5.   Positioning-: what place do you desire your product to hold in consumer's mind?
  6.   Personal relationships-: how are you building relationships with your target consumers?
  7.   People -: public who may have impact on organization or may be affected by organization.
  8.   Profits -: basic objective of organization that to have something valuable in return of service or product mostly it is in form of money.
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