Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Control Process
The procedure of maintaining and developing a strategic fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. It relies on developing a apparent company mission, helping objectives, a sound business portfolio and coordinated functional strategies. The business plans are more customers and competitor-oriented and enhanced reasoned and more realistic than they were in the earlier period. Plan is variously called a "marketing plan,", "business plan," and sometimes and developing apparent company mission, helping objectives, a sound business portfolio, and coordinated functional strategies.

The business strategy are more customers and competitor-oriented and better reasoned and more realistic than they were in earlier period. Plan i variously called a "marketing plan,", "business plan," and sometimes an "operating plan." Most of the marketing plans cover one year, but some cover up a few years. The plans vary in their length from under ten pages to over fifty pages. Some companies take their strategy very seriously, whereas others see them as merely a rough guide to action. The most commonly cited short comings of present marketing plans, according to the marketing executives, are lack of realism, inadequate competitive analysis, and short-run focus.