Publics Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Marketing Environment - Publics


Public can be any group that has real or potential interest in or put impact on an organization's ability to gain its objectives. The company should prepare a marketing plan for all of their main publics with their customer markets.  Normally, publics can be identified as being:

  1.   Financial publics:-influence the company's ability to get funds.
  2.   Media publics: - features, carry news, and editorial opinion.
  3.   Government publics:-take developments into account.
  4.   Citizen-action publics:- any company's decisions are frequently questioned by consumer organizations.
  5.   Local publics:-includes community organizations and neighbourhood residents.
  6.   General public's:-a company have to be concerned regarding general public's attitude toward its products and services.
  7.   Internal publics:-managers, workers volunteers, and board of directors
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