Micro environmental
The microenvironment consist five components. First is the organization's internal environment-its various departments and management levels-like it affects marketing management's decision making. Second component includes marketing channel firms that cooperate to make value: suppliers and the marketing intermediaries (physical distribution firms, middlemen, financial intermediaries, marketing-service agencies). Third component consist five types of markets in which organization may sell: producer, consumer, reseller, international markets and government. Fourth component consist the competitors facing organization. Fifth component consist all public's that contain an actual or potential interest in or impact on organization's ability to gain its objectives: financial, media, government, citizen action, and general, local, and internal publics. So microenvironment consist six forces near to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers:
- The company itself (including departments).
- Suppliers.
- Marketing channel firms (intermediaries).
- Customer markets.
- Competitors
- Publics.