Enlightened Marketing Assignment Help

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Enlightened Marketing

Enlightened marketing is a philosophy which holding that a company's marketing should support the best long-run performance of the marketing system. It has five following principles:

a. Consumer-oriented marketing.  A principle of enlightened marketing that holds that the company should observe and organize its marketing activities from the consumer's point of view.

b. Innovative marketing. A principle of enlightened marketing that necessitates that a company seek actual product and marketing improvements.

c. Value marketing.  A principle of enlightened marketing that holds that a company should put mostly its resources into value-building marketing investments.

d. Sense-of-mission marketing. A principle of enlightened marketing that holds that a company should declare its mission in wide social terms instead of narrow product terms.

e. Societal marketing. It is a principle of enlightened marketing which holds that company should take marketing decisions by considering the company's requirements,consumer's wants, consumer's long-run interests, and society's long-run interests. A societal oriented marketer wants to design manufacture that isattractive and beneficial. Manufacture can be classified accordingly to their degree of instant consumer satisfaction and long-run consumer benefit. Degree of satisfaction might include following:

  • Deficient products are which products that have neither instant appeal nor long-term benefits. For example: bad-tasting medicine.
  • Pleasing products are which products that give immediate satisfaction but can hurt consumers in the long-run. For example: cigarettes.
  • Salutary products are which products that have low appeal but can benefit consumers in the long-run. For example: seat belts and air bags.
  • Desirable products are products that provide both high immediate satisfaction and high long-run benefits. For example: a tasty and nutritious food.
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