Undifferentiated Marketing Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Market Segmentation - Introduction - Undifferentiated Marketing

Undifferentiated Marketing

By using an undifferentiated marketing (or mass-marketing) strategy, a firm may decide to avoid market segment differences and go to the entire market with one offer. This mass-marketing strategy focuses on what is general in the needs of consumers instead than on what is different. The company designs a product and a marketing program that will appeal to the biggest number of buyers. It relies on mass advertising and mass distribution, and it aims to provide the product a superior image in people's minds. As earlier noted in the chapter, most of modern marketers have strong doubts regarding this strategy. Difficulties arise in developing a product or brand that will satisfy all consumers. Moreover, mass marketers frequently have trouble competing having more focused firms that do a better job of satisfying the requirements of specific segments and niches.

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