Location, Layout, Work Study, And Management Assignment Help

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Location, Layout, Work Study, And Management

This lesson continues the discussion of the design functions necessary to set up an effective and efficient production system. Necessary design functions covered in this lesson include finding a proper location for the facilities, deciding on the best layout of the work flow within the facility, studying work to determine the best methods, and measuring the work to establish time standards for planning and control.

Although these functions must be performed at the initial (startup) stage of a new organization to avoid chaos, it is also important for existing firms to re-evaluate their operations periodically to maintain an effective system in the face of environmental changes over time.

In order to develop and maintain a competitive and profitable operation, management must consider the following four factors:-

i.    Location—The regional, community and specific site factors involved in selecting an original, replacement, or additional location for a product or service facility.

ii.    Layout—The arrangement of machines, equipment, materials handling, service areas, storage areas, work stations, and

iii.    Work study—The design of work proceedings to establish the process and methods to perform specific jobs within the process efficiently, and

iv.    Work measurements—The analysis of work to establish time standards or estimates of the amount of labour needed to perform a task.

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