Nominal Group Process Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Managing Creativity And Innovation - Nominal Group Process

Nominal Group Process

In this technique group members work alone but in the same room developing ideas. They then share their list of ideas one at a time.

Stages in Nominal group technique:-

Members of the group (target group) are selected are brought together.

The group leader presents a new question for example the question might be “what are some of the ways to improve creativity in our new product development department.”

Individual members silently and independently write down their ideas. This is the nominal non interactive stage.Each individual presents his idea to the group without discussion. The ideas are summarized and written on a blackboard or a sheet of paper on the wall.After all individuals have presented their ideas there’s a discussion of the recorded ideas for the purpose of verification or evaluation (interaction stage).

The meeting ends with a voting of priorities by individuals through a rank ordering or rating procedure.

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