Definition of Creativity and Innovation Assignment Help

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Definition of Creativity and Innovation

Some management writers distinguish between creativity and innovation. They define creativity as generation of new ideas and innovation as the translation of that idea to a new product, service, or method of production.

According to Lawrence B. Morh, “Determinants of innovation in organizations session review no. 63 creativity implies bringing something new into being; innovation means bringing something new into use.

Such a distinction can be meaningful in organizational life. The skills required to generate new ideas are not the same s those required to make these ideas a reality. To make full use of its ideas organizations need both creative and innovative personnel. Creativity alone contributes little or nothing to organizations effectiveness unless the creative ideas can in some way be used or implemented. Thus in organizations the creative process must include both creative and innovative elements.

A new idea must indeed be created but it must also be capable of implementation and must actually be implemented for the organization to benefit from it.

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