Tools For Decision Making Assignment Help

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Tools For Decision Making

The following is a summary of decisions and the traditional and modern tools used.



Type of decision

Traditional Tools

Modern Tools

Programmed (Routine

respective decisions)


Clerical routine,

standard operating


Operational research,

mathematic analysis,

computers, electronic

data processing

Non-programmed one-shot,

rare special decisions

Judgement, credibility,

Institution rule of thumb,

Selection and training of


Heuristic problem solving

Constructing heuristic

computer programmes

(knowledge base

intelligence "Expert")


                                                                 Table:Heuristic (Empirical DM)

 Programmed decisions are obviously the easiest for managers to make as it is quicker and simple to refer to a policy - but effective managers should only learn of policy as a time saver and remain alert for exceptional cases. A company policy for example put a ceiling on the advertising budget for each product, but a particular product may need an extensive advertising campaign to counter a competitor's newly aggressive marketing strategy. Ultimately managers must use their own judgement whether or not a situation calls for programmed decision.


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