Tesla And Gauss:
When you have a permanent magnet or electromagnet, you may see its "strength" expressed in terms of maxwells or webers. More frequently, however, you will hear or read about units termed as teslas (T) or gauss (G). Such units are expressions of the concentration, or intensity, of the magnetic field inside a certain cross section. The flux density, or the number of "flux lines per unit cross-sectional region," is a very helpful expression for magnetic effects than the overall quantity of magnetism. The flux density is customarily represented by B in equations. A flux density of 1 tesla is equivalent to 1 weber per meter squared (1 Wb/m2). The flux density of 1 gauss is equivalent to 1 maxwell per centimeter squared (1 Mx/cm2). It turns out that the gauss is equal to accurately 0.0001 tesla. Which is, 1G = 10-4 T, and 1T = 104 G. To transform from teslas to gauss (not gausses!), multiply by 104; to transform from gauss to teslas, multiply by 10-4.
When you are confused by the distinctions among webers and teslas or among maxwells and gauss, think of a light bulb. Assume that a lamp emits 20 W of visible-light power. When you enclose the bulb wholly, then 20 W of visible light strike the interior walls of the chamber, no matter how big or small the chamber. Though, this is not a very helpful notion of the brightness of the light. You know that a single bulb provides plenty of light for a small walk-in closet though is nowhere near sufficient to elucidate a gymnasium. The significant consideration is the number of watts per unit area. Whenever we say the bulb gives off a certain number of watts of visible light, it is like saying a magnet has an overall magnetism of too many webers or maxwells. Whenever we say that the bulb generates a certain number of watts per unit area, it is analogous to saying that a magnetic field has a flux density of too many teslas or gauss.