OR Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Logical - OR


The OR function may be demonstrated by taking two binary numbers, 1010b and 0110b. While ORing two numbers, it doesn't issue at which end you start, right or left. Let's begin from the left. In the first bit location there is a 1 in the first number and a 0 in the second number. It would result in a 1. The next bit has a 0 in the first number and a 1 in the second number. The result would be 1. The next bit contains a 1 in the first number and a 1 in the second number. The product would be a 1. The last bit contains a 0 in the first number and a 0 in the second number, resulting in a 0. Thus the answer would be 1110b. The rule that provide this answer says that with an OR, a 1 in either number result in a 1, or said another manner, any 1 in, gives a 1 out.

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