Liquid column chromatography Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Liquid Column Chromatography - Liquid column chromatography

Liquid column chromatography:

This unit embodies discussion on liquid column chromatography emphasizing on the separations by adsorption and partition mechanism. To start with some of the advantages of liquid chromatography (LSC, LLC) over gas chromatography (GSC, GLC) have been highlighted. Some of the basics aspects relevant to LSC and LLC have been recapitulated. The various components of a modern liquid column chromatographic set up have been discussed. Since the success of a chromatographic separation depends on the choice of stationary (adsorbent/ liquid coated support) and mobile phases, a criteria used for their selection have been elaborated. The methods used for the development of a column with their special features have been discussed. Based on the background developed in the unit, an idea about HPLC is given. Finally, the unit ends with a few typical applications of liquid column chromatography.

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