Choice of Stationary and Mobile Phases Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Liquid Column Chromatography - Choice of Stationary and Mobile Phases

Choice of Stationary and Mobile Phases:

The success of a separation through liquid column chromatography depends upon a proper choice of stationary and mobile phases. Within LSC, the stationary phase is an adsorbent. And once we talk about the adsorbent, a few of its properties, viz adsorbent type, surface area, particle size and activation and regeneration become relevant. In LLC, the stationary phase is a liquid immobilized on an inert support. While considering the liquid, its polarity and tendency to leach out become important. To counter act the leaching, bonded phases have been developed. Moreover, the requirements of inert supports on which the liquid is immobilized are equally important to know. Finally, the requirements of mobile phase are to be properly understood. This section deals with of the above mentioned different aspects.

Mobile Phases in Liquid Column Chromatography Stationary Phases Used in Liquid-Liquid Column
Stationary Phases Used in Liquid-Solid Column Chromatography
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