Basics of liquid chromatography Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Liquid Column Chromatography - Basics of liquid chromatography

Basics of liquid chromatography:

In this unit, we will first recapitulate some of the basics of liquid chromatography. A few special features of liquid-solid adsorption and liquid-liquid partition column chromatography will be discussed. This will be followed through a discussion on the elements of a liquid chromatography set up. The choice of stationary and mobile phases is very important and the considerations involved will be discussed. This will be followed via a discussion on the basic methods used for chromatographic column development. In order to highlight the importance of the technique, some of the applications to separate complex mixtures will be presented. Since the conventional liquid chromatography has undergone a major development in the form of high performance liquid chromatography, a short idea about this will also be given at the end.


After studying this Unit, you should be able to

  • Recapitulate a few of the basic concepts of liquid-solid and liquid-liquid column chromatography,
  • Know the functioning of the components of an improved version of a liquid chromatographic set up,
  • Appreciate the criteria used for the selection of stationary and mobile phase,
  • Define development techniques used,
  • Get an idea about HPLC, and
  • Enumerate a few of the significant applications of liquid column chromatography.


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