Basic Aspects of Hplc Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Liquid Column Chromatography - Basic Aspects of Hplc

Basic Aspects of Hplc:

Probably, the most important advancement in chromatography since 1966 is the development of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The current practice in HPLC is based on the application of pressure to liquid systems.

The HPLC is characterized through a long, narrow column packed along with extremely fine powder along with spherical particles, operated at high liquid pressures, and possessing a continuous monitoring facility for the general effluent.

Such chromatographs may be quite expensive, but in turn, it is possible to achieve efficiencies comparable with those obtainable in gas chromatography, with separating times of the same order and the ability to work with non-volatile materials. Technically, the development work in HPLC has concentrated on the production of pulse-free pumps for generating the high pressures required and sensitive detectors for monitoring the column effluent.

Advantages of HPLC technique
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