Atherosclerosis Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Lipoproteins - Atherosclerosis


Atherosclerosis, the most general kind of hardening of the arteries, is characterized through the presence of cholesterol-rich arterial thickenings (atheromas).  This progressive  disease  starts  with  the  intracellular  deposition  of  lipids,  majorly cholesterol  esters, in the smooth  muscle cells of the arterial wall. These lesions become calcified plaques, fibrous which narrow and can eventually block the arteries. The Blood clots are also more likely to occur that may stop the blood flow and deprive the tissues of oxygen.  If  these  blockages  happens  in  the  coronary arteries those giving the heart, the result is a myocardial infarction or heart attack,  that  is  the  most  general  cause  of  death  in  Western  industrialized countries. In cerebral arteries blood clots cause stroke, although those in peripheral blood vessels in the limbs can lead to possible amputation and gangrene.

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