Procurement Functions Assignment Help

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Procurement function

The primary operative function of personnel management is procurement. It is concerned with employing and procuring people who possess essential skill, knowledge and aptitude. Under its purview you have manpower planning, job analysis recruitment, placement, selection, induction and internal mobility.

  1. Job analysis: It is the procedure of gathering information relating to the operations and responsibilities pertaining to a particular job.
  2. Human resources planning: It is a procedure of determining and make sure that the organisation will have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at proper times, performing jobs which would meet their needs and provide satisfaction for the individuals involved.
  3. Recruitment: It is the procedure of discovering for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
  4. Selection: It is the procedure of ascertaining qualifications, skill, experience and knowledge of an applicant with an opinion to appraising his/her appropriateness to the job in question.
  5. Placement: It is the procedure that ensures a 360º fit, matching the employee's experience qualifications, skills and interest with the job on offer. This is the personnel manager's responsibility to position the accurate candidate at the right level.
  6. Induction and orientation: Induction and orientation are system by which a new employee is rehabilitated in his new surroundings and introduced to the policies, practices and people. He ought to be acquainted with the principles which describe and drive the organisation, its mission statement and values which form its backbone.
  7. Internal Mobility: The movement of employs from one job to another via promotions and transfers is called internal mobility. Some of the employees leave an organisation due to several reasons leading to retirement, resignation and even termination. These movements are called as external mobility. In the most excellent interest of an organisation and its employees, such job variation should be guided by well-conceived principles and policies.
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