Managerial Functions Assignment Help

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Managerial Functions

The fundamental managerial functions comprise organising, planning, directing and controlling.

I. Planning: This particular function deals with the determination of the future course of action to attain desired results. Planning of today personnel avoid crises of tomorrow. The personnel manager is hoped to determine the personnel programme about recruitment, selection and training of employees.

II. Organising: Primarily this function is concerned with accurate grouping of personnel activities, assigning of several groups of activities to different individuals and delegation of authority. Creation of appropriate structural framework is his chief task. Organising, actually, is considered to be the wool of the total management fabric and therefore cannot afford to be ignored.

III. Directing: It involves supervising and guiding the personnel. To execute plans, direction is necessary for without direction there is no destination. Several a times, the success of the organisation based on the direction of things instead of their design. Direction then consists of inspiration and leadership. The personnel manager ought to be an effective leader who may create winning teams. While attaining results, the personnel manager must, invariably, take care of the expectations and concerns of employees at all of the levels.

IV. Controlling: Controlling function of personnel management comprises measuring the employee's performance, making correct negative deviations and industrial assuring an efficient achievement of plans. It makes individuals aware of their performance through review records, reports and personnel audit programmes. It makes sure that the activities are being performed in accordance with stated plans.

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