Emerging Issues in HRM Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Line and Staff Functions - Emerging Issues in HRM

Emerging issues

Effective management of human resources based on refining HRM practices to modifying conditions. Hence, the requirements to look at other important issues that can be motivate people to provide their best in a dynamic and ever-varying environment.

Personnel records: Personnel records like files, cards, papers ,cassettes and films are maintained to have tangible record of what is in fact happening in an organisation and to formulate suitable HR policies and programmes (depend on actual experience, historical records and future trends) from time to time.

Human resource audit: Human resource audit means to an examination and evaluation of policies, process and practices to determine the efficiency of HRM. Personnel audit (a) measurement of the effectiveness of personnel programmes and practices and (b) determine what should or should not be done in future.

Human resources research: It is the procedure of evaluating the efficiency of human resource policies and practices and building more appropriate ones.

Human resources accounting (HRA): This is a measurement of the price and value of human resources to the organisation. Human resource management is said to be effectual if its value and contribution in particular organisation is more than its expense.

Human resource information system: HRIS is an integrated system designed to develop the effectiveness with which HR data is compiled. It makes HR records more valuable to the management by serving like a source of information.

Stress and counselling: Stress is the psychological and physical reaction to definite life events or situations. Stress results in burn out, substance abuse at an organisational level, in the shape of alcohol or drug use/dependence reduced job satisfaction, enhance absenteeism and increased turnover. Therefore, companies are closely looking at what should be done to promote the mental and physical well being of employees through correct counselling and employee development programmes.

International human resource management: International business is significant to almost every business currently and so firms have to increasingly be managed with a visible global focus. It of course, poses several challenges before managers by including coordinating production, financial and sales operations on a worldwide basis. International HRM places superior emphasis on a number of responsibilities and functions like as orientation, relocation and training services to help employees adapt to a new and different type of environment outside their own country.

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