Determine capacity of the plant Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Limitations of Carnot Vapor Compression Systems - Determine capacity of the plant

Determine capacity of the plant:

An R12 refrigeration system works among pressure limits 1.83 bar & 9.63 bar respectively. The heat transfer through the condenser is 80 kJ/min. The refrigerant vapour leaves the evaporator in the saturated state. The condensate leaves the condenser in only saturated state. The refrigerant pass through the system is found to be 0.6 kg/min. determine a) COP, b) capacity of the plant & c) the energy input to the compressor.


From the saturation property tables or p-h diagram, the enthalpies are attained as:

 h1 = 181.94 kJ/kg, h4 = 74.77 kJ/kg

 The refrigerating effect is found from following:

qc =h1 - h4  = 181.94 - 74.77 = 107.17 kJ/kg


111_Determine capacity of the plant.png

From the first law:

74_Determine capacity of the plant1.png

The -ve sign indicates work input to the compressor.

 (a)  1347_Determine capacity of the plant2.png

 (b)   47_Determine capacity of the plant3.png

(c)    2129_Determine capacity of the plant4.png

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