Surface Gauge Method
The work, the base of the square, the base of the surface gauge, and the surface plate should be clean while the lines are scribed along with surface gauge method.
To Set Surface Gauge to a Dimension
(1) Clean the top surface of the surface plate.
(2) Set the combination square on the surface plate.
(3) Loosen the combination square lock nut and ensure that the end of the rule is down against the surface plate.
(4) Tighten the lock nut of combination square.
(5) Set the surface gauge on the surface plate.
(6) Loosen the scriber clamp nut and adjust the scriber that is why it is approximately at the desired dimension.
(7) Tighten the scriber clamp nut to lock the scriber in position.
(8) Turn the surface gauge thumb screw till the scriber point is in the centre of the desired graduation on the rule.