Theoretical Foundations of the Latent Regression Approach:
The latent regression described above may be interpreted in terms of utilities. Let U' be the individual's utility if she decides to work/seek work and U0 be the individual's utility if she decides to abstain from working. We may formulate

Here x represents a common set of factors, such as age, marital status, gender, education, and work history, β0 and β1 are vectors of unknown parameters and ε0 and ε1 are unobservable, alternative specific , taste components. The individual will decide to worklnot work based on calculations of marginal benefit-marginal cost of labor force participation, which in turn are based on the utilities derived from the two alternatives. We observe the choice made but not the unobservable utilities. The observed indicator Y = 1 whenever U1 ≥ U0 and Y = 0 whenever U1 - U0 ≤ 0. For the ith individual in our sample,