Consumer Service
The consumers are becoming more and more demanding on every passing day. The Regulators have begun imposing the minimum service standard levels along with penalty. For the business to be successful and to keep successful, the satisfaction by better consumer service is of paramount importance. The satisfied and delighted consumer is a great asset for any company and has direct bearing on the bottom line of the company's balance sheet. The list of consumer services is endless particularly for a DISCOM, Thus to starts along with it is shaped through a combination of factors viz. Response time, Staff Attitude, Willingness of the staff, Customer Satisfaction Index etc.
Main Features
The main points associated to measuring and regulating consumer service are:
• Response Time: The consumer needs in which the intended service should be provided through their service provider inside the stipulated time. For a consumer or a prospective consumer, he needs that the new service connection to be given at a minimum probable time, if there is any supply outage complaint, it should be resolved as early as possible.
Same he need that he bill delivered to him should be error free and in case of any error/dispute it should be resolved amicably and as fast as possible. It becomes imperative for DISCOM to describe the minimum stipulated time frame for each type of service, monitor the outcome on daily basis, produce exception reports and take corrective actions. If necessitates, bring he modifications in the processes and adopt new technologies.
• Customer Satisfaction: The periodic customer satisfaction survey should be a part and parcel of each DISCOM. It gives a valuable insight about the present capabilities and the consumer expectations. A roadmap could be formulated to address the issues that are in control of the management.
• Staff Attitude: It plays an extremely vital role in any service industry. A proper training plan and calendar could be prepared to address this vital aspect.
Human resource is very significant gradient for any business and it determines the success or failure of the business. It is invaluable asset. The attitudinal training should be given for each employee irrespective of his/her hierarchical position.
Consumer Service - Proposed KPIs