Determine Voltage when current is not known Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Kirchhof Current Law - Determine Voltage when current is not known

Illustration :    Determine the voltage across a 12K ohm resistance. When we don't  know the  current in the circuit.  

1049_voltage when current i ot given.png


In this circuit we have three nodes one is reference node while the other node  is between the 6v battery and the 12K resistance here we will neglect this node and calculate the voltage at point A  so the node equation for the node V1 is

At node (1)

         (V1 - 12)/6k + (V1 -6)/12k +V1/6k = 0

                                                        5V1 = 30

                                                          V1 = 6volts

As we know that we want to calculate the voltage across 12K resistor and it is between 6V battery and V1


                                                            V0 = V1 - Vs

In the above equation Vs =6V

                      V0 = V1 -6

                           = 0 volts

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