Vibration Measuring Instruments Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Kinematics of Machines - Vibration Measuring Instruments

Vibration Measuring Instruments:

In the previous unit, you were described forced vibration of mechanical systems. Systems contain forced vibration because of an exciting force. The force of excitation might acting because of either external agency or might be developed in the system because of unbalance.

The system might also be excited due vibration of the base. The base might be having vibrations because of neighbouring machine that is transmitting large amount of force to the ground. This results in disturbance of other machines. In order to measure vibrations, appropriate instruments are needed. The design principle may be evolved by analyzing this kind of vibration.

This is always desirable that least force is transmitted to the ground so that neighbourhood machines are not disturbed. Hence, there is obligation to control and isolate vibration.


After learning this unit, you must be able to

  • analyse the vibration because of base excitation,
  • understand principles of design of vibration instruments,
  • control vibrations transmitted to the ground, and
  • isolate vibration.


Calculate the amplitude of force transmitted Calculate the highest frequency
Calculate the lowest frequency Determine the amplitude ration
Find out force transmitted to the foundation Transmissibility and Vibration Isolation
Vibration Due To the Base Excitation Vibration Measuring Instruments
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