Instantaneous Centres- Analysis by Graphical Methods Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Kinematics of Machines - Instantaneous Centres- Analysis by Graphical Methods

Instantaneous Centres- Analysis by Graphical Methods:

In previous unit you have learned inversions of four bar kinematic chain with revolute and prismatic kinematic pairs. In this unit, you will be introduced the technique of resolve of instantaneous centres of rotation and its application for resolve of velocity of different points in a mechanism. In several mechanisms higher pairs are utilized.

In your everyday life, you experience that a body contain simultaneously a motion of rotation with translation. It combined motion of a body might be supposed to be a motion of pure rotation regarding some centre called as instantaneous centre of rotation. To find out the velocity of a point on a link, relative velocity method and instantaneous centre method are significant.


After learning of this unit, you must be able to

  • resolve instantaneous centres of rotation in a mechanism,
  • resolve velocity of different points in a mechanism,
  • use higher pairs in a mechanism, and
  • Form of equivalent mechanism.
Higher Pairs Instantaneous Centre of Rotation
Kennedys Theorem Number of Instantaneous Centres in a Mechanism
Relative Instantaneous Centre of Rotation
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