Belt - Chain and Gears Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Kinematics of Machines - Belt - Chain and Gears

Belt - Chain and Gears:

The power is transmitted from one shaft to the other through chains, belts and gears. The ropes and belts are flexible members that are utilized where distance among the two shafts is big. The chains also contain flexibility however they are preferred for intermediate distances. The gears are utilized while the shafts are very close along each other. This kind of drive is known as positive drive as there is no slip. If the distance is slightly larger, chain drive may be utilized for making it a positive drive. Ropes and belts transmit power because of the friction among the belt or rope and the pulley. There is a option of slip and creep and that is why, this drive is not positive drive.


After learning this unit, you must be able to

  • appreciate power transmission derives,
  • understand law of belting and gearing,
  • Find out power transmitted by belt drive,
  • Find out dimensions of belt for given power to be transmitted,
  • understand kinematics of chain drive,          
  • categorize gears, and
  • understand gear terminology.


Classification of Gears Cone Pulleys
Gear Terminology Initial Tension
Kinematics of Chain Drive Maximum Power Transmitted
Power Transmission Devices Power Transmitted by Belt Drive
Ratio of Tensions Tension due to Centrifugal Forces
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