Find out all the instantaneous centres:
Find out all the instantaneous centres of a slider crank chain OAB illustrate in Figure and described how velocity of piston may be expressed in terms of crank speed?

DeterminaIt3i4on of Instantaneous CenOtres of Slider Crank Chain
No. of links = 4
Table of I. Cs
I12 I13 I14
I23 I24
Out of these six instantaneous centres, four I12, I23, I34, I14 may easily be situated at points O, A, B and infinity. As slider contain rectilinear motion, the instantaneous centre I14 lies at infinity and line drawn perpendicular to its line of motion through any point will meet this point at infinity. To situate I13 and I24 circle diagram may be utilized.
As described in previous instance (Example 4.1), I13 is represented through line joining points 1 & 3 in the circle. This line is common to triangles 1, 2, 3 & 1, 4, 3.
Thus, two lines are drawn one joining I12 & I23 and second joining I34 & I14, i.e. line from I34 perpendicular to OB. The pt of intersection of these lines is likewise, I24 is achieved like point of intersection of the lines joining I34 along I23 and I12 having I14. The IC I24 relates link 2 having link 4. While I24 moves having link 2, the velocity of I24 is provided by
VI24 = ω2 × I24 I12
The direction is perpendicular to the line I24 I12. Now I24 may be supposed to be moving having link 4. As velocity of all of the points in a link executing translation is similar thus, velocity of link 4, that means piston is given by VI24 in direction and magnitude.