JIT Implementation in Manufacturing and Service Firms Assignment Help

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JIT Implementation in Manufacturing and Service Firms:

Several JIT techniques have been successfully applied by service firms. Just as in manufacturing, the appropriateness of each of technique and the corresponding work steps depends on the characteristics of the firm's markets, production and equipment technology, skill sets and corporate culture. Service firms are not different in this respect. Some successful applications are following.

 Organise Problem Solving Groups

Bluewell is extending its quality circles from manufacturing into its service operations. Other corporations as diverse as Standard Company, Killer Brewing Company are by using similar approaches to improve service. Several airways utilized quality circles as a fundamental part of its strategy to implement new service practices.

Upgrade House Keeping

Good housekeeping means more than winning the clean broom award. This means that only the essential items are kept in work area, that there is place for everything, and that everything means to clean and in a constant state of readiness. The workers clean their own areas.

Several service organizations such as Disneyland, McDonald have recognized the critical nature of housekeeping. Their dedication has meant that service processes work well, the attitude of continuous improvement is easier to develop, and customers perceive that they are attaining better service.

Upgrade Quality

The only cost-effective way to improve quality is to develop reliable procedure capabilities. Process quality is quantity at the source which it guarantees first time production of consistent and uniform products and services.

Clarify Process Flows Introduce Demand Pull Scheduling
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