Table Aliasing
In the last query, the table names were specified in the Join condition because both the tables had the similar column name. In order to avoid any ambiguity in selecting the records the table aliasing must be used. The table alias in the last query is itself the table name. Any alias name can be specified for the table that will be valid for that query only. Refining the above instance,
SELECT ename, dname FROM emp e, dept d WHERE e.deptno=d.deptno; # for display the employee name and department name by department no. of employee. #
The example provided below displays the products ordered along with the customer name and the product codes. This instance is a join of 4 tables that are: orders table, product table, ordprd table, customer table.
The subsequent example is a join from more than 2 tables.
SELECT op.pcode,pname,cname FROM product p,orders o,ordprd op,customer c
WHERE c.ccode=o.ccode and
o.ocode=op.ocode and
Pcode Pname Cname
102 storewell Mohan
102 storewell Mohan
102 storewell Mohan
103 cinthol old Ramanath
103 cinthol old Mohan
103 cinthol old Sridhar
103 cinthol old Ramanath
103 cinthol old Mohan
104 1.5 ton a/c Ramanath
105 1.0 ton a/c Ramanath
106 0.75 ton a/c Ramanath
106 0.75 ton a/c Mohan
106 0.75 ton a/c Sridhar
106 0.75 ton a/c Ramanath
107 puf refrigerator Ramanath
107 puf refrigerator Ramanath
107 puf refrigerator Ramesh
107 puf refrigerator Mohan
108 hair dye Ramesh
108 hair dye Selvam