Java Development Kit
Java Development Kit comes along with a collection of tools which are used for developing and running Java programs. Which are as follow
a. appletviewer
b. javac
c. java
d. javap
e. javah
f. javadoc
g. jdb
Appletviewer: An appletviewer enables us to run java applets (without using java enabled web browser)
Javac: The Java compiler, that translates Java sourcecode to bytecode files that the interpreter can understand
Java: It is a Java interpreter, which runs applets and applications by reading and interpreting bytecode files
Javadoc: Javadoc creates HTML-format documentation from Java source code files
Javah: Generates header files for use with native methods
Javap: Java disassdembler, that enables us to convert bytecode files into a program description
Jdb Jdb is known as Java debugger, which helps us to search errors in our programs