Serialization Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> IO Stream - Serialization


Serialization is the procedure of writing the state of an object to a byte stream. This is useful whenever you need to save the state of your program to a persistent storage area, like as a file. At a later time, you might restore these objects through using the procedure of deserialization.

Serialization is also required to implement RMI (Remote Method Invocation). Remote Method Invocation permits a Java object on one machine to invoke a method of a Java object on a various machine. An object might be supplied as an argument to which remote method. The sending machine serializes the object and transmits it. A receiving machine deserializes it.

Suppose that an object to be serialized has references to other object, that in turn, have references to still more objects. A set of objects and the relationships between them form a directed graph. There might also be circular references inside this object graph. Which is object X might hold a references to themselves. The object serialization and deserialization facilities have been designed to work rightly in these scenarios. All of the other referenced objects are recursively located and serialized if you attempt to serialize of an object at the top of an object graph. As same, in during the process of deserialization all of these objects and their references are correctly restored. An introduction of the interfaces and classes which support serialization follows.

Externalizable Object Output
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