Double-leaver Mechanism or Rocker-Rocker Mechanism:
In this mechanism, both of the links 2 and 4 can just oscillate. This is illustrating in Figure.

Link O2A oscillates among positions O2A1 and O2A2 whereas O4B oscillates among location O4B1 and O4B2. Location O4B2 is obtained while O2A and AB are along straight line and position O2A1 is attained when AB and O4B are along straight line. This mechanism ought to satisfy the following relations.
(l3 + l4 ) < (l1 + l2 ) (l2 + l3 ) < (l1 + l4 )
It can be observed that link AB has shorter length as compared to other links.
If links 2 & 4 are of equivalent lengths and l1 > l3, this mechanism produced automobile steering gear.