Chapter Statistics will cover the primary concepts of statistics.
STATE the definition of the subsequent statistical terms:
a. Mean
b. Variance
c. Mean variance
CALCULATE the mathematical mean of a given set of data.
CALCULATE the mathematical mean variance of a given set of data.
Given the data, CALCULATE the probability of an event.
In almost each aspect of an operator's work, there is a need for making decisions resulting in a few important actions. Several of these decisions are made by past experience with other same situations. One might say the operator has developed a method of intuitive inference: unconsciously exercising some principles of probability in conjunction along with statistical inference subsequent from observation, and arriving at decisions that have a high chance of resulting in expected outcomes. Instead, statistics is a method or technique that will enable us to approach a problem of determining a course of action in a systematic manner in order to reach the desired output.
Mathematically, statistics is the collection of great masses of numerical information which is summarized and then analyzed for the reasons of making decisions; that is, the utilization of past information is used to predict future actions. Here, we will look at some of the primary concepts and principles of statistics.