Network File System Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to Unix Operating System - Network File System

Network File System

The Network File System service enables computers of various architectures running various operating systems to share file systems across a network. The Network File System environment can be implemented on different operating systems since it describes an abstract model of a file system, other than an architectural specification. Every operating  system  applies  the  NFS  model  to  its  file  system  semantics.  This means in which file system operations such as reading and writing function as though they are accessing a local file. The advantages of the NFS service are


  1. Permits multiple computers to use the similar files, so everyone on the network can access the similar data
  2. Reduces storage costs through having computers share applications instead of requiring local disk space for every user application
  3. Gives reliability and data consistency since all users can read the similar set of files


Automating the Mount Process Configuring nfs Server and Clients
Entry in /etc/exports File Example of Mounting File System
Mounting the Nfs File System Nfs - Mounting the Remote File System
Share the File System Sharing the File System
Starting and Stopping NFS Daemons Unshare the File System
What is Network File System?
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