Introduction to File System Assignment Help

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Introduction to File System

The file system is the main means of file storage in UNIX. Every file system houses directories, that, as a group, could be placed almost anywhere in the UNIX directory tree. The highest level of the directory tree, the root directory, starts at /. Within Linux the file system which is used is ext2.

A file system, thus keeps its data on disks. After that these disks are broken into partitions, every varying in size depending on the requirement of the administrator. It is on each partition in which the original file system is laid out. Inside the file system, there are subdirectories, directories and, at last, the individual files.

Block Devices Character Devices
Checking Size of Directories Clearing Temporary Directories
Commands for File System Management Creation of New File System
Deleting Crash Dump Files Directories
Displaying Blocks and Files Used Displaying Size of Directories
Displaying Size of Files Example of Mounting a File System
Ext2 File System File System Check (FSCK)
Finding and Deleting Core Files Finding and Removing Inactive Files
Finding and Removing Old and Inactive Files Finding Files that exceed given Size Limit
Finding Large Files Hard Links
How to use Fsck? Listing Newest Files
Local Based File System Types Mounting a File System
Mounting a Floppy Disk and CD Rom Named Pipes
Normal Files Pointers
Sockets Symbolic Links
Types of File Systems Unmounting a File System
Where and When Fsck run Working with Directories
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